
Wednesday, August 26, 2015


(KJV.)  1 PETER 2:13-14

(13)  Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake:  whether it be to the king, as supreme:
(14)  Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.


Brethren, as believers in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior,  we are to live exemplary lives in the faith of his righteousness for the world to know that we are children of light and not of darkness; one greater attribute of Jesus Christ is his meekly obedience to higher authorities; though he was a son of our Father, manifested in the flesh, during his persecution, trails and tribulation before crucifixion and death on the cross,  Jesus did not rebel against higher authorities but rather submitted himself under hands of his enemies and was obedient to them;  therefore, regardless of what maybe going on negatively against believers, whether false accusations, back stabbings, gossips, plots, schemes and resentments from enemy forces;  regardless of what they do, let us not be dismayed but stand firmly in our callings and know that it happened to Jesus before it happened to his believers;  let us not pay back evil for evil; but rather good for evil, pray for our enemies, forgive them and know for sure that Jesus is aware of our troubles and in appropriate times, all evil works of men will come to light and we will glorify our Father in heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Case in point,  when persecutors accused Jesus Christ of blasphemed that he is the Son of our Father, brought him before Pilate to be questioned and scourged, he submitted himself to higher authorities and did not rebel against them;  for Jesus knew that our Father will never forsake him in his sufferings, crucifixion and death on the cross; for, our Father resurrected him back to life; and he triumphant over the enemy, took back the keys of life and death from the enemy, grant salvation, grace and life everlasting to all those who believe and trust in him as Lord and Savior; currently, he seated on the right hand of our Father, pleading our cases before him; therefore, through our trails and tribulations, Jesus works all things together for good; let us have patience, trust and wait on him to accomplish his mighty works in our lives for his glory forevermore.

Fruits of thoughts, as believers, let us submit to higher authorities regardless of what maybe going on negatively against us; let us have greater faith in Jesus Christ; for people in places of authorities are working for Jesus Christ, regardless of how they were elected into those positions, they are in there for either to work for systems or against systems of Jesus Christ; for, we have to realized that there are thorns and thistles planted by the enemy among the wheat of this world; and they operate within nations, governments, churches, societies, friends and family circles, everywhere on earth, to torment lives and disturb peacefulness of this world;  therefore, let us not take things of this physical world for granted, there is a battle going on behind the scene that naked eyes cannot see and that is the spiritual battle between the enemy and Jesus Christ over souls on this earth; however, Jesus already won the victory by his death and resurrection, he took back the keys of life and death from the enemy; there is a day set aside for his evil works to come to an abruptly end on planet earth; if people in higher authorities are men and women as Samuel, David, Josephs, Esther etc., planted in places of authorities by Jesus Christ for the welfare of his kingdom on earth, all things shall be well, regardless of what enemies do, Jesus reigns on earth and in heavenly places forevermore.


Dearly beloved, regardless of who higher authorities maybe, or who they work for in those positions; as believers, who walk by faith and not by sight, let us be submissive to rules and regulations of this world, our countries, workplaces and churches; for this is the will of our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; regardless of what allegations, plots and schemes the enemy brings upon our souls on this earth, let us not fear, be dismayed or defend ourselves before men; but rather believe and trust in Jesus Christ to deliver our souls from hands of our enemies; and our Father to prove us as his beloved children on this earth and in heavenly places forever and evermore.  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Ecclesiastes 10:4,  If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee, leave not thy place; for yielding pacifieth great offences.  

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