
Tuesday, May 26, 2015


(KJV.)  JEREMIAH 23:23-24

(23)  Am I a God at hand,  saith the LORD,  and not a God afar off?
(24)  Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him?  saith the LORD.  Do not I fill heaven and earth?  saith the LORD.


Brethren, it has been said of old, that our Father lives in heaven;  Yes!  He dwells in the firmament of his glory, that is his throne, (Matthew 5:34);  however,  the earth is his footstool, (Matthew 5:35); who can contain him?   (i)  our Father occupies the entire universe, in his own sovereignty; and we live inside of him; there is nothing going on any where in the universe, that is unknown to him;  (ii)  if we live inside of him, move around, talk to one another, eat and sleep inside of him;  then, there is nothing that we do, or say that he cannot see, hear or understand entirely why we do those things; (iii)  if we live inside of him, and his spirit lives inside our mortal bodies, per Genesis 6:3;  then, we are parts of him; and intends of our hearts are known to him through his spirits that resides within our mortal bodies;  therefore, there is nothing within our hearts, souls and bodies that he does not know, we can hide in the dark, in our closets, in bathrooms, and say or do whatever we chooses to do; our Father will know everything through his spirits residing within our mortal souls, because we dwell in him; for, it is written, "For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad. (Mark 4:22).

Case in point, in the above text, the Lord is speaking through Prophet Jeremiah to his workers in the vineyard, who are not being truthful to his words,  (i)  those who are leading his sheep astray with their own deceitfulness of hearts and evil imaginations; saying, "The LORD said, when actually the LORD had not spoken a word to them, but they lead the sheep astray to believe deceitfulness of their hearts;  (ii)  saying unto the sheep; ye will have peace and prosperity, when the sheep are walking in ungodliness, going astray from our Father and evil is to come upon them;  (iii)  and they stand in the name of our Father and speak words, that our Father had not spoken to his people, but they speak from their own thought processes, thinking that they heard from him, but the enemy had infiltrated their minds to deceive the holy fold, to believe their lies, to walk in ungodliness into hell's damnation;  therefore,  the LORD is saying to these servants of his vineyard, "amend your ways; do not lead the sheep astray, but lead them alright, with truthfulness of his words into life everlasting";  "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrew 4:12).

Fruits of thoughts, brethren, let us beware that our Father know everything about us, and there is nothing going on in our lives that he does not know entirely; whether good or bad situations, our Father is aware;  therefore, let us trust him in all situations, pray and wait on him; for they that wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31);  (i)  our Father created humanity out of his own image, (Genesis 1:27), each and everyone of us are in images of our Father, therefore, let us not call anyone ugly, but give positive expressions with love, to uplift one another's spirits, to know that we are also fearfully and wonderfully made in the hands of our Father;  (ii)  our Father formed man out of the dust, breathe into his nostrils breath of life, and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7);  therefore, the spirit of our Father resides in our mortal bodies, and searches our hearts at all times, for parts of his spirits resides in each and every one of our mortal bodies;  (iii)  he knows our down sitting, uprising, and understand our thoughts before we think them; therefore, let us not think evil against one another, but try to understand one another's points of views; for our Father knows our intentions; whether good or evil, and will repay for our actions against one another; (iv)  there are no words in our mouths that he does not know or understand entirely,before we say something, he know what we are about to say, when we speak diverse languages, he understands them all; therefore, let us choose our spoken words carefully, and speak not in vexations or swear before his presence;  (v)  our Father is around us all the time, seconds, minutes, days and nights, he see our movements, he is the air we breathe into our lungs; therefore, let us not pollute the air we breathe, but be mindful of what we release into our environments because, our Father is our environments and we reside in him;  (vi)  our Father is everywhere we go, he sees us when we plan good or evil against one another;  therefore, let think good thoughts about one another, and love one another as he loves us, praise him for his marvelous works, and his faithfulness to all who trust and believe in him through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior forevermore;  for, where can we go or hide away from his presence?


Dearly beloved,  our Father said;  "Do not I fill heaven and earth?";  therefore, where can humanity go from my spirit?;  where can they run away or hide from me?  Nowhere our Father!  the point is; if his spirit lives within our mortal bodies, and that is how we are able to move around, talk, eat, sleep and wake up in morning; and we in turn reside within his body, his greatness, his sovereignty; and he fills the heavens and the earth entirely; then we have no choices than to walk in humility in his presence everyday and obey his words, because he cares about us; therefore, let us walk in faith, believe in him, in his righteousness and inherit life everlasting;  Jesus Christ is the master of all things, both in heaven and on earth; he is in charge of the entire universe, without him we cannot do nothing ourselves; have we given ourselves to him yet?  if not, let us come closer to him, find out who he is and accept him into our hearts as Lord and Savior, believe in him and his words, for he sacrificed himself to redeem humanity from hands of the enemy and grant salvation, grace and life everlasting;  let us come unto him today, with our troubles, worries and anxieties and receive rest for our souls forever and evermore.   Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  1 King 8:27  But will God indeed dwell on the earth?  behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee;  how much less this house that I have builded?

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