
Thursday, May 21, 2015


(KJV.)  JOHN 4:23-24

(23)  But the hour cometh, and now is,  when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth:  for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
(24)  God is a Spirit:  and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.


Brethren, as believers of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, we are to reverent, honor, pay homage to our Father spiritually and truthfully, and connect ourselves to the indwelling powers of the Holy Spirits and not worship in carnality; for, our Father desires true worshipers, who will worship him in Spirit and in truth;  when we worship him, let us pay more attention to the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit,  residing and quickening in our mortal bodies and fellowship with him, allow him to open up our understandings to assimilate his words; also, let us be truthful to one another in the faith of his righteousness.

Case in point,  (i)  if we worship our Father in flesh, our minds will be distracted, wonder around, to look at surroundings, and not pay much attentions to reasons why we are in his presence, but our minds will be occupied with thoughts of our own appearances, fleshly desires and evil imaginations; the enemy will infiltrate our minds, darken our hearts, so that we are not able to connect ourselves to the Father through the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit, and fellowship spiritually and fully offer praises and adoration to him;  (iii)  let us worship him in the beauty of his holiness, glorify his Holy Name, show gratitude before him and receive everlasting blessings;  "For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit."(Romans 8:5); therefore, let us worship our Father in spirit and be truthful in all our ways;  at times, in other to get people to attend worship services, we go out of our ways to attract worshipers with things that are rather abominable in the eyes of our Father;  and we change the glory of our Father that cannot be tarnished and we make it inferior by showing movies that has nothing to do with the scriptures to believers;  and they get more distractions from our sanctuaries, than the secular world; what we have to realized is, the Father draws the true worshipers unto himself, by the power of the Holy Spirit; therefore, let us allow the Holy Spirit to do his will in our churches, not use self efforts to draw people into his presence, for entertainments purposes but are not really converted into the faith of his righteousness.

Fruits of thoughts;  brethren, reasons why we attend worship services, are to praise and adore our Father, and to connect ourselves through resurrection power of the Holy Spirit, listen to his words and fellowship with others; if we are not getting enough of these, we are not worshiping rightfully before him;  (vi)  let us ask ourselves, why is our Father still seeking true worshipers to worship him in spirit and in truth?  this is a point to ponder for all believers;  our Father is a Spirit; to get connect to him, we ought to read his words, worship in Spirit; and to touch lives, we ought to allow the Holy Spirit to take absolute control of our worship services; therefore, instead of worshiping with carnal excitements, that does not glorify our Father but glorify ourselves;  let us rather, uphold his glory with songs of praises, clap our hands with joyfulness of hearts, souls and bodies;  (v)  truthfulness with our Father, is to be transparent with one another, let us tell is like it is, for we do all things not to please ourselves but to please our Father, he sees our movements, knows the contents of our hearts;  therefore, let us be plain and fair in all things, not cover up evil or change truth of matters concerning our Father into lies and deceits, worship and indirectly serve the enemy with distractions of this modern generation, more than to worship him who created us spiritually and truthfully, and be blessed for ever;  believers, let us expose the enemy and his devises infiltrating our churches, and put all things back into rightful perspectives of our Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior forevermore.


Dearly beloved, our Father desires our praises and adoration; however, he connects to his people through their hearts, therefore, when we worship him, let us not worship him with carnal minds but open up our hearts to him and worship him in Spirit and in truth, receive his blessings and inherit eternity;  our Father loves humanity, that he gave his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, that whosoever believes in him, should not perish but have life everlasting;  therefore, if we have not receive Jesus Christ into our hearts as Lord and Savior; today is the day to do so before it is too late;  Jesus is coming back soon; let us get ready for him!  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Philippians 3:3  For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have not confidence in the flesh.

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