
Monday, May 18, 2015


(KJV.)  2 CHRONICLES 14:11

(11)  And Asa cried unto the LORD his God, and said,  LORD, it is nothing with thee to help, whether with many,  or with them that have no power:  help us,  O LORD our God;  for we rest on thee, and in thy name we go against this multitude.  O LORD, thou art our God;  let not man prevail against thee.


Brethren,  as believers, who walk in faith, in the righteousness of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; when we call upon him through prayers, regardless of what our troubles maybe, he will manifest his glory in our lives;  King Asa, of Judah, was god-fearing and lived in righteousness doing the will of the LORD;  during his time, the land of Judah was peaceful for several years:  therefore, when we live in godliness, believing and pleasing our Father, he will make sure that our lives are protected, not only that, but will also grant us grace to overcome mountains of difficulties in his righteousness and peace will reign supreme in our lives forevermore.

However, when King Asa decided to build cities, walls and towers, because the LORD prospered him; suddenly, his enemy Zerah the Ethiopian, with his army rose up to fight against him;  brethren, regardless of who we are, where we live or in what generation we were born, there is nothing new under sun; whatever happens in this world today, has happened before,  if we walk in godliness, try to please our Father, enemies will find faults, hate us, and will rise up against us;  why?  because of who we are in Jesus Christ, and not because we offended anyone with our godly actions, but when we live in godliness, we shine lights of righteousness among darkness of this world; and darkness cannot embrace lights;  therefore, regardless of what we do, enemies will not comprehend, but will rise up and fight against us;  however, when we pray unto our Father through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior; he will fight our battles, prevail against our predators and set us free forevermore.

Case in point, in the the above verse, King Asa prayed to the LORD with greater faith; saying, ....O LORD, thou art our God;  let not man prevail against thee.;  the LORD was pleased with  his prayer and smote his enemies before him; and they fled, and Asa overthrown, destroyed, took over their possessions;  therefore, (i)  when we call upon the LORD in distress, we have to bring him into our situations, and choose our words wisely, communicate with him, and allow him to talk back to us, while we pray unto him; because, he listens attentively to what we have to say unto him, to direct our ways to overcome our problems or to grant us our heart desires according to our petitions;  (ii) when we call upon him with faithful hearts, relying only on him, that he is the only Father that can help us to overcome our situations;  he will step into our troubles, take absolute control, set things back in proper perspectives and grant us everlasting peace; for our father searches our hearts to know if we pray with faith, believe that he is able to do what we request from him, before he reacts upon our petitions;  (iii)  when our Father fights our battles, he does not fight just battles but after victory is completely won, he also blesses his people with their enemies possessions, because of his love and faithfulness, goodness and mercies that never fails;  therefore, if we are currently in any battles, let us not lose hopes in Jesus Christ, but continue to trust and believe in him;  however, before the LORD steps into battlefields to fight against our enemies, we have to have relationships with him, doing what is rightful in his eyes, and be obedient to dictates of the Holy Spirit;  therefore, let us continue to walk in his righteousness, resit the devil and he will flee away from us;  though we have been saved by the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that does not stop the enemy from pestering with our lives, if we do not resit him and his lies and deceitfulness, we will fall into his traps, and backslide into world of darkness; therefore, let us continue to dwell under the umbrella of protection Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, worship our Father in the beauty of his holiness, read his words, pray daily and walk in faith, through his righteousness and be blessed forevermore.


(KJV.)   Thessalonians 5:17  Pray without ceasing.


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