
Wednesday, March 11, 2015


(KJV.)  MATTHEW 12:35-37

(35)  A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
(36)  But I say unto you,  That every idle word that men shall speak,  they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
(37)  For by thy words thou shall be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.


(35)  A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.  Brethren, we can not tell contents of books by its covers, but when good men speak, we can tell who they really are from words that come out of their hearts and thoughts processes through their spoken words;  (i)  through their words, we are able to tell if they are believers of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior;  (ii)  if they have good treasures within their hearts and possess wisdom, knowledge, understanding of matters spoken;  (iii)  through their spoken words, we are able to understand fully their evil or good contentions of their hearts;  (iv)  an ungodly person will only know how to speak words of ungodliness, gossips, slandering, lies, deceit and condemnations; because those are seeds planted within their innermost spirits; and if they try to fake their thoughts, it will not last longer, they will revert to their old ways again, because that is who they are within themselves;  therefore, let us listen carefully to people we come in contact with, associate with everyday, to know what types of seeds are within their innermost spirits, what types of fruits they bear; if they bear fruits of righteousness, we are to encourage them still to bear more fruits; on the other hand, if they are still walking in ungodliness;  we are to love them still and not to cast them away, but pray that their innermost eyes be enlighten to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and be converted into the faith, to receive salvation, grace and eternity;  for, it is written, by their fruits ye shall know them. (Matthew 7:20).

(36)  But I say unto you,  That every idle word that men shall speak,  they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.  Brethren, as believers, let us watch our spoken words; for spoken words cannot be retrieved; and we will be judged by those words; for example, there were great men that lived on earth in past generations, that we have not forgotten about today, because of their spoken words; therefore, spoken words are very important, and we need to be mindful of what we say;  (i) let be aware that spoken words do manifest; whether positively or negatively words will accomplish that which we speak into existence;  therefore, let us take authorities over our thought processes and carefully think about our words before we speak them;  for our utterances can build up or tire down lives;  (ii)  let us take authorities over our tongues and refrain from speaking guile, so we may love life and see good days, (1 Peter 3:10);  (iii)  let us ponder on our thought processes, to know if they are good thoughts coming from our Father through the Holy Spirits or from demonic infiltration spirits, instigating and engaging our thought processes to do evil against one another;  (Philippians 4:8):  therefore, as believers, let us use our utterances to encourage one another as one body of Christ; not look for one another's faults to tire them down; for when we come together as one body, we can take down evil works of the enemy; on the other hand, if we argue and disagree among our selves, we make the enemy happy because he knows that there is no unity among brethren; there is nothing we can accomplish for Christ in the faith of his righteous through disagreements;  for, it is written, is Christ divided? (I Corinthians 1:12-13);  therefore, let us be in unity to accomplish tasks set before us by Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior forever. (Romans 15:5).

(37)  For by thy words thou shall be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.  Brethren, this context is pretty clear, on day of judgment, our words will determine if we are worthy of eternity with Jesus Christ or not;  (i)  for by our words, we will be proven to be justly and rightfully positioned as joint heirs with Christ in eternity;  (ii) by our spoken words, we will receive severe punishments in fire of Hades;  ponder point for today;  as believers, (iii)  let us have same attributes of Jesus Christ; (iv)  let us put away profane babbling, defamation of characters, mischievous attitudes, craftiness, lies, evil connotations but exercise godliness with faith in the righteousness of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.


Dearly beloved,  we learn today, that spoken words are important aspects of our worthiness to inherit eternity with Christ our Lord and Savior;  however, no one is completely righteous on planet earth; we were sinners but freed by blood of Christ, and we are on our ways to eternity by walking in faith through the righteousness of Christ our Lord and Savior;  we are learning everyday, ways to keep growing up to graduate successfully to receive crown of glories, reign with Christ our Lord and Savior in eternity;  therefore, let us use our mouths of authorities to bless one another; for whatever we do to others, will definitely come back to us with good measures, and we will also receive same things that we wish upon others; for our Father is faithful to all, who believe in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior forevermore.  Amen and amen!


(KJV.)  Philippians 4:8  Finally,  brethren,  whatsoever things are true,  whatsoever things are honest,  whatsoever things are just,  whatsoever things are pure,  whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report;  if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things,

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