(28) Give unto the LORD, ye kindreds of the people, give unto the LORD glory and strength.
(29) Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come before him: worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.
(30) Fear before him, all the earth: the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved.
(31) Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let men say among the nations, The LORD reigneth.
Brethren, it is godly to give thanks to the LORD of hosts at all times and make his deeds known to encourage others in the faith of his righteousness; we are not only to talk about his goodness and mercies once a year on thanksgiving day at the dinner table: but to proclaim his deeds among all nations of the world: for, the LORD is good! and takes delight in children who will thank him for his goodness and mercies that endures forever; when the LORD is delighted in his children, he blesses, protects and grants them everlasting peace; therefore, on thanksgiving day, let us not be just food conscious but think about how faithful the LORD has been to us throughout the years; and his mighty hand of providence to sustain the lives of our forefathers in time of need; for he will continue to sustain our lives also by the goodness and mercies of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever.
Case in point, to show appreciation for what the LORD had done for us; (i) we are to give glory and strength to the LORD; that is, we are not to hide things that he does for us from others rather testify of his blessings, victories and protections with praises and adoration and not hang on to his appreciations for answering our prayers when we were in troubles, but also glorify him for giving us faith, wisdom and capabilities to handle issues with effective prayers; (ii) we are to give glory unto his name, bring an offering, and come before him, and worship the LORD in the beauty of his holiness; that is, to honor and praise the LORD of hosts through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, and when we appear before him, let us not come to him empty handed but bring offerings to him, and give back to him. to show appreciations for what he gave to us, it does not matter how little or big our offerings may be, it is our hearts the LORD sees and if we have enough or have nothing, he knows our frame of minds; it is our appearances before him to worship in the beauty of holiness that matters most to him; he takes delight to know that we depend only on him to sustain our lives on planet earth and hereafter in heavenly places forevermore.
Points to ponder; (a) we are to fear the LORD of hosts, the word fear appeared in the scriptures five hundred and one times; because it is an important word to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; to fear the LORD does not mean that we have to watch our backs every minute or second to avoid being hit by his sword when we do wrong; matter of fact, blood of Jesus had already redeemed us from all sins and because of his blood, we are acceptable before the LORD of hosts; however, we need to fear the LORD still and reverence him as LORD of all creation, that he owns our souls and show respect to him: if we respect our earthly fathers, how much more respect do we have for the father who own both physical and spiritual aspects of our lives? (b) if we fear the LORD, the text says; the world shall be stable, that it be not moved; that is, it is important to fear the LORD, for he has power over planet earth and can allow it to continue to be fruitful and peaceful for humanity; if we chose to continue to live before him in disobedience; someday, he will shake the whole earth and destruction will come upon humanity forever.
Fruits of thoughts, if the LORD of hosts is the Father of all creation, then; *Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let men say among the nations, The LORD reigneth! case in point, King David was a man after God's own heart.......(Acts 13:22); "why?" because he feared the LORD and reverence him throughout his lifetime, he thanked, praised and adored him and found favor in the eyes of the LORD forevermore: let us also be thankful and fear him at all times!
Brethren, this morning, today; have we thank the LORD through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior yet? for sustaining our lives to see this day by his grace; if we forgot to do so, it is not too late, the day is not over yet, we still have time to thank him for everything, and give him all glory for what he has done, doing and yet to do in lives and in the lives of others by the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever and evermore. Amen and Amen!
(KJV) Psalm 118:24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
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