(11) Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
(12) I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
(13) I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me.
Brethren, when we receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and are redeemed by his blood, the Holy Spirit will take control of our lives and transformation process will begin in us to manifest his will; in this text Apostle Paul speaks about his state of sufficiency; during his ministry, he encountered so many hardships and persecutions, regardless, he did not give up but persevered with spirit of forbearance to the finish line, through his sufferings he learned to be happy and pleased with all circumstances that bewailed him and accept all situations without questions or doubts in his heart towards his faith in the righteousness of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Case in point, when the Holy Spirit transformed our lives from darkness into his marvelous lights, he will bring us to levels whereby me, mine, want, need and self efforts are crucified with the flesh and nothing really matters anymore but we depend only on Jesus Christ as our self sufficiency; but to sustain ourselves in the will of the Father, to manifest his will through our lives is not easy; for troubles will come our ways from the enemy to test our faith in Jesus Christ; but, the LORD of hosts will strengthen us in the faith by the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit, to a degree that we trust him only and live our lives for his purposes, and regardless of what negative situations we find ourselves in or what humanity may think about us during our testing periods; we will accept all situations with humbleness and meekness in spirit knowing that the Lord will provide ways to overcome with abundance of peace forevermore.
Fruits of thoughts; when our faiths are elevated to higher levels in the righteousness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, (i) in whatsoever state we are, we experience gratitude and satisfaction not wanting more than what we have received; amazingly, the LORD works all things out in our spirits that we receive abundance though we were given little? (ii) we are to know both how to be humble in all situations and to rejoice when we receive abundance of blessings the same: (iii) every where and in all things, we are to educate our stomachs both to be filled with food when we have food to eat and to survive on empty stomachs when there is no adequate food to eat; and trust in Jesus Christ, whether we have or do not have our needs met while serving him; (iv) we can do all things through Christ, which strengthen us: if we claim to be followers of Jesus Christ, and live for him; then he is our self sufficiency, his empowerment alone should be enough to bring us through all difficult situations, persecutions, hunger, poverty and wretchedness, trails and tribulations; for we are not of our own selves in all our troubles but he is in all situations with us, and apart from him we can do nothing for ourselves; we just have to trust in him with all our minds, souls and bodies til the end of our days on planet earth.
Brethren, when we are called to service humanity and we answer to our callings, and surrender ourselves for the master's use and are in our callings, persecutions, sufferings, hindrances, and obstacles will pester with our souls; however, the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit will not leave us alone but will strengthens our souls with faith in the righteousness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that whether we hunger for food or eat in abundance, suffer persecutions unto death, nothing really will matter; for we know that we are in his will and are not alone and nothing can happen to us unless he allows them to come our ways; though we may lack things to sustain our lives, he provides our needs everyday and if he chooses not to show up in times of need it is in his own prerogative and not ours; when we get the wisdom, knowledge and understandings that we live for him and not for our own selves, then we will be contempt in all situations until we reach our destinations in life and inherit life everlastings.
Believers, if we receive Jesus Christ into our hearts as our Lord and Savior, no matter what will go wrong during our walk with him; he will take absolute control; when troubles come our ways, it is our faith in him that brings us from bottoms of our mountains to to the top; if we have any doubts in what he is capable of doing through our negative situations, then we have doubts in our hearts towards him and our faiths in his righteousness are not solidified; today, what are our standings in faith? if we are in any negatives situations, let us know for sure that Jesus is in our situations and will provide ways to overcome our mountains by his death on the Cross and resurrection from the tomb; we will overcome all troubles forever and evermore. Amen and Amen!
(KJV.) II Corinthians 6:10 As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.
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