
Friday, August 22, 2014


(KJV.)  EZEKIEL 33:14-19

(14)  Again, when I say unto the wicked,  Thou shalt surely die;  if he turn from his sin and do that which is lawful and right;
(15)  If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed,  walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity, he shall surely live, he shall not die.
(16)  None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned unto him:  he hath done that which is lawful and right;  he shall surely live.
(17)  Yet the children of thy people say,  The way of the Lord is not equal:  but as for them,  their way is not equal.
(18)  When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby.
(19)  But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby.


Brethren,  today, Prophet Ezekiel is speaking to us about righteousness and wickedness;  when we receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and are saved by his blood, we also receive his grace and salvation: however,  let us try to walk in righteousness and sin no more!  but watch our words and actions towards one another, and do unto others as we would like others to do unto us:  there is still judgment day awaiting all humanity, when we shall all account for our deeds on planet earth, be ye evil or good;  though we are saved and belong to Christ;  if we choose to continue to dwell in our old evil ways, unto which we have already been cleansed by his blood, then our hearts are not completely with him, but the enemy is still striving against the will of the Lord in our lives;  let us be careful!

Case in point,  if we choose to continue to associate ourselves with evil works of darkness, and lie, cheat, backbite, fornicate, steal, argue, gossip, carry malice, grudges and animosities, and cause mischief among brethren; we are not completely saved, but lie to ourselves;  for the enemy is still at work within us;  if our hearts desires to do evil, but deceive ourselves that after we carry out our evil deeds, we will repent, pray for forgiveness, speak in tongues, and all our sins will be forgiven;  yes, or maybe!  let us not deceive ourselves, that we will continue in deliberate sin, and expect grace to be present in great measures;  may the Lord forbid!  but know for sure that anytime we deliberately trespass against the Lord, we step out of his will and should pray for his forgiveness;  for darkness had already penetrated our lights, if we are really saved, born again and are united with Christ, then let us try to continue to dwell in the light, and bear fruits of righteousness, let us walk away from all ungodly works of the flesh and embrace faith through the righteousness of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Brethren,  everyone of us at some point of our lives was sinful, we were born in sin, and dwell in sin; however, when we repent of all our sins, and receive the Lord into our hearts, his righteousness comes into our lives, all our morally bad behaviors are supposed to be dealt with by his blood;  if we do not read the word and pray daily, the enemy, will try as much as possible to make us backslide into our old sinful ways again,  after we have been delivered from all sins, our old nature should be gone, so we live righteous lives forever.

Brethren,  we are all children of the Lord, he cares about both righteous and sinful people, and  (i) because of his love for all humanity, he is still working on changing sinful lives into righteousness and unto eternity;  (ii)  he is working to continue to keep the ones already saved from backsliding from the faith into the hands of the enemy;  (iii)  he is also working to receive those who have heard his voice, but are not sure of his authenticity to come unto him, the only way, true, light of this world, he is coming soon, it could be today, even though we are saved, if we backslide to do evil,  it may be too late for us to inherit eternal lives.

Brethren,  today's text is pretty clear,  the Lord is not impartial but justifiable in all his ways;  if morally bad people, repent from their sins and walk in righteousness, they will not die but will surely receive salvation;  on the other hand, if we are already saved, walk in righteousness but backslides into sins without repentance, the scripture say, we will die;  let us pray that if Jesus should appear in the skies today, may we all receive salvation by his grace forever.

Brethren,  we are all trying to do our best to inherit eternity, let us pray for one another and love others as ourselves;  let us not judge others no more but leave judgement to Jesus Christ, and pray about one another's shortcomings;  for there is no one righteous no not one!  let us encourage ourselves in the faith as one body of Christ;  let us strengthen those who are weak and bring them along with love as Jesus did for all on the Cross of Calvary forever and evermore.  
Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Revelation 19:9  And he saith unto me,  Write,  Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.  And he saith unto me,  These are the true sayings of God.      

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